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As you may be aware, children in Uganda face many challenges. Lockdowns and school closures over the last few years have exacerbated the risks of abuse, exploitation and child labour.
At CRANE (Children at Risk Action Network) we work to eliminate those risks and keep children safe. But we not only want children safe, we want them to learn and thrive in safe families, spaces and learning environments.
That is why we have a vision for a safe space where children can learn as they play and where all children can have fun regardless of gender, disability or economic circumstances.
Project SPACE is planned using land owned by CRANE to be a learning adventure for children to explore creativity and adventure in the outdoors. It can be a therapeutic space for children who have experienced trauma and it can be used as an inclusive learning space for creative teachers.
We are hoping to raise £50,000 to make this dream a reality.
Want to join me in making a difference?
We’re raising money in partnership with Viva and any donation will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause; it means so much to us.





Children at Risk Action Network, in partnership with Viva, builds the capacity of peer educators living in Bwaise and Namuwongo (in Kampala) on health issues affecting mothers and babies. The learning is then shared with people through focus group discussions, door-to-door visits, baby clubs and health outreaches and partnering with other organisations. In the past decade, the health of mothers and babies has been improving.


Equip 50 peer educators with knowledge and skills to support target communities on crucial maternal child health issues. The peer educators will have one training each month to cover the topics that need to be handled.
Empower target communities through peer educators on the use of community-based approaches in identifying, preventing and accessing appropriate childcare to reduce maternal and infant mortality rates. We will carry out activities which include running maternal child health clubs, quarterly focus group meetings and sports activities to engage men better.
Improve access to information and health care services and strengthen referral systems through coordination with other local health service providers in target communities.