
children with special educational needs and disabilities

Members of CRANE who care for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities collaborate together in a working group.

5,671 children with disabilities were supported

The Special Needs Quality Assurance and Monitoring Initiative coordinated by CRANE is established to support the delivery of quality SNE & disability services.

5,671 children with disabilities were supported


54 girls are taken to their schools every day by the CRANE accessible buses
According to UNICEF (2014) approximately 2.5 million Children in Uganda live with some form of disability. However, there is no data on the number of deaf children in Uganda or their literacy levels.
Here are some of the highlights of the past 5 years


We have worked with other partners to create Uganda’s first book for children with hearing impairments. The book is called ‘Anna goes to school’

130 girls with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities were given bursaries to go to vocational institutions


31 children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities were involved in recording/producing music for Project Hope album